Fluoride level reaches dangerous levels in New York city water


I started noticing that my Aveda shampoo doesn’t lather when washing my hair sometime before the New Year’s 2013. Today I had a minor scratch on my finger and when I put my hand under the shower water to check if it’s warm enough I felt a sting as if someone poured acid on my wound. The skin is itchy when just out the shower. Also the water tasted very bitter to the taste, of course I won’t drink it. Earlier today my father complained that he scratched lightly a red dot on his forearm and it opened as a wound and a bit of blood came out as if he was scratching it for some time. My mother also noted that lately her shampoo doesn’t lather up. I began noticing that the Aveda shampoo we use to wash every clients hair at our barber shop started finishing way quicker than a month ago. When I asked the employees they said that one squeeze into the hands doesn’t lather up.

My advice: Avoid skin contact with New York city tap water as much as possible! It is toxic to the level that is visibly a health hazard. If you took showers every day, cut down to a minimum per week (I know it is hard to do but it is better to be healthier than cleaner). Drink and cook only with natural spring water (NOT purified but spring water). Purification does not remove fluoride. Subscribe to bi-weekly natural spring water delivery. You will notice that the taste of your tea/coffee and cooking will become better. Avoid Poland Spring water delivery since they add a small level fluoride into their natural spring water. Brush your teeth only with fluoride-less toothpaste, I prefer Toms of Maine since it’s both affordable and healthy.

“The prolonged ingestion of fluoride may cause significant damage to health and particularly to the nervous system,” concludes a review of studies by researchers Valdez-Jimenez, et al. published in Neurologia, reports New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc. (NYSCOF). More about the dangers of fluoride here.

The research team reports, “It is important to be aware of this serious problem and avoid the use of toothpaste and items that contain fluoride, particularly in children as they are more susceptible to the toxic effects of fluoride.”

“Fluoride can be toxic by ingesting one part per million (ppm), and the effects are not immediate, as they can take 20 years or more to become evident,” they write.

Fluoride was first added to water in the United States in the 1940s to help prevent tooth decay in children 8 years and under. These assumptions were later dismissed by hundreds of scientific publications which showed that internal consumption of fluoridated water had no effect on tooth decay.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says dental fluorosis is highest among adolescents between the ages of 12 an 15. One reason for the increase in fluorosis: Americans are now exposed to fluoride from a variety of sources, including toothpaste, mouth rinses and prescription supplements, the Department of Health and Human Services says.

Most fluoridating U.S. public drinking water suppliers add fluoride chemicals to deliver 1 ppm fluoride (equal to about 1 milligram per quart) intending to benefit teeth and not to purify the water. Austrian researchers proved in the 1970s that as little as 1 ppm fluoride concentration can disrupt DNA repair enzymes by 50%. When DNA can’t repair damaged cells, we get old fast.

Fluoride prematurely ages the body, mainly by distortion of enzyme shape. All systems of the body are dependent upon enzymes. When fluoride changes the enzymes, this can damage every system and function of the body.

“Fluoridation clearly jeopardizes our children and must be stopped,” says attorney Paul Beeber, President, NYSCOF. “We can actually see how fluoride has damaged children’s teeth with dental fluorosis; but we can’t see the harm it’s doing to their brains and other organs. No U.S. researcher is even looking,” says Beeber.

Valdez-Jimenez, et al. describe studies that show fluoride induces changes in the brain’s physical structure and biochemistry which affects the neurological and mental development of individuals including cognitive processes, such as learning and memory.

“Fluoride is capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier, which may cause biochemical and functional changes in the nervous system during pregnancy, since the fluoride accumulates in brain tissue before birth,” they write.

Animal studies show fluoride’s toxic brain effects include classic brain abnormalities found in patients with Alzheimer’s disease, Valdez-Jimenez’s team reports.

A different research team (Tang et al.) reported in 2008 that “A qualitative review of the studies found a consistent and strong association between the exposure to fluoride and low IQ.” (Biological Trace Element Research)

In 2006, the U.S. National Research Council’s (NRC) expert fluoride panel reviewed fluoride toxicology and concluded, “It’s apparent that fluorides have the ability to interfere with the functions of the brain.” And, “Fluorides also increase the production of free radicals in the brain through several different biological pathways. These changes have a bearing on the possibility that fluorides act to increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.”

On April 12, 2010, Time magazine listed fluoride as one of the “Top Ten Common Household Toxins” and described fluoride as both “neurotoxic and potentially tumorigenic if swallowed.”

Phyllis Mullenix, Ph.D., was the first U.S. scientist to find evidence that fluoride damages the brain. She published her animal study in a respected peer-reviewed scientific journal in 1995 and then was fired for doing so.

Vyvyan Howard, M.D., Ph.D., a prominent fetal toxicologist and past-President of the International Society of Doctors for the Environment, said that current brain/fluoride research convinces him that we should stop water fluoridation.

Many communities have stopped or rejected fluoridation in the past several years — the most recent is Fairbanks, Alaska. This year, seven New York City Council Members co-sponsored legislation to stop fluoridation in NYC.

Anti-fluoride activist Christina Welsh says the government should end all fluoridation everywhere. “It is a complete fraud to suggest that fluoride reduces dental caries when this has never been proven. The opposite is true, fluoride has been found to cause cancer, osteoporosis and DNA damage among dozens of other illnesses,” she said.

L. Alesen, MD, president of the California Medical Association Robotry said that “no physician in his right mind would hand to his patient a bottled filled with a dangerous drug with instructions to take as much or as little of it as he wished … And yet, the Public Health Service is engaged upon a widespread propaganda program to insist that communities do exactly that … The purpose of administering fluoride is not to render the water supply pure and potable but to contaminate it with a dangerous, toxic drug for the purpose of administering mass medication to the consumer, without regard to age or physical condition.”




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